By jwhitleThe AIM-Bio exchange program is available for faculty, technical staff, PhDs and postdocs so they can travel to the partner university for a short-term or long-term visit to support course development or research. The first exchange student traveled from NC State to DTU in August 2021. During spring semester 2022, three students from DTU are visiting NC State University. In this article, you will meet the students and learn about their research supporting the AIM-Bio Program. |2022 Q2
By jwhitleJohn Woodley, PhD, has around 300 papers, an H-factor of 53 and around 10,000 citations. He has graduated around 60 PhD students as the main supervisor. Prior to working at DTU, he was a professor at UCL, London. Learn about how John Woodley divides his research into the three sub-groups outlined below. |2022 Q2
By jwhitleThe Automation, Process Control and Real-time Monitoring of Yeast Culture course is a 3-day hands-on course. The course is designed for scientists and engineers to gain familiarity with the functionality of control equipment and instrumentation, and learn how rich datasets can be used to model yeast fermentation process parameters and enact near real-time feedback control to ensure a quality product. Ryan Barton, PhD, developed the course with Kurt Selle, PhD, and Hunter Brown who are all from BTEC. |2022 Q2
By jwhitleThe Protein Precipitation and Crystallization course is a new 2-day hands on AIM-Bio course intended for scientists and engineers working in process development, separations, and formulation sciences. The first offering of the course was successfully delivered at BTEC in mid-March by course lead, John van Zanten, PhD and Hunter Brown.